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latest cds, book, and dvd:
Cover of CD Volume 15
I’m Sorry I Haven’t a Clue 15

Hamish and Dougal box set
Hamish and Dougal, the Complete Box Set

Cover of Best of Forty Years
I’m Sorry I Haven’t A Clue: The Best of Forty Years

Cover of ISIHAC Live on Stage
I’m Sorry I Haven’t a Clue: Live on Stage

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Dedicated to the multi-award winning comedy radio show -
home to Mornington Crescent.

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 tba TBA

Listen to I’m Sorry I Haven’t a Clue broadcasts from Radio 4.
Missed it? Try BBC Sounds. Missing it? Try BBC 4 Extra.

23rd june
last two shows from edinburgh
And another series comes to an end. The last two shows, coming from Ediburgh, had no new rounds, prizes, variations, or explanations but were still lots of fun. Anyway, that is it now until November - it will be here before you know it (and the cold and the dark nights!)

9th june
second blackburn show
There were 3 new rounds played this week, Consumer Competitions, Random Reviews, and Dentist or Bedroom. The teams also played Lancashire Rules Mornington Crescent, with the Chairman reading out the rules in his best Lanky Twang (apologies for my spelling).

2nd june
and now from blackburn
The teams started the show with the one new round played this week, called Change a Letter, Ruin a Song. They also played One Song to the Tune of Another, and the Chairman very kindly tried to explain the rules to this round (once again), this time using an analogy to a Fishmonger.

26th may
oxford show 2
No new rounds were played this week, but there was a fabulous new prize for the winner of Pick Up Song, and the teams played Mornington Crescent using Lewis Carroll's Oxford Rules.

19th may
first show from oxford
And we are off! The series started with a brand new round - It Don’t Mean a Thing If It Ain’t Got That ’ing. The teams also played another new called Hopeless late on. Alexander Armstrong made a great first appearance, but what is it with getting new panelists who can actually sing?

10th may
new series starts monday
It’s here, the new series of I’m Sorry I Haven’t a Clue starts on Monday. And there is a first timer on one of the teams - Alexander Armstrong. We know he can sing, but how good will he be at Mornington Crescent?

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